In Today’s Episode of the Sharo Show…

In Today’s Episode of the Sharo Show…

Well, we got pretty lucky with this hurricane! Minor roof damage, power only gone for about 4 days, some extra yard cleanup but nothing major. I did NOT get all my goal writing done for September but to be totally fair, I did have other things to fret about. I am hoping to get a nice big chunk of writing and art done this week, though! We’ll see if I can manage it around doing two weeks’ worth of school stuff in the next few days. I did manage to finish draft 1 of the Bermuda Triangle/Golden Age of Pirates story, which just needs a little bit of research before I can call it finished, and got a big chunk of some other stories worked on. And I’ve started a little mini art challenge for myself on my socials, and if I get it through all 31 days I’ll post the results here, heh.

Hurricanes are so weird to me because on the one hand, yeah, growing up smack dab in the middle of Central Florida means that every single major hurricane I’ve personally experienced was relatively pleasant, and on the other hand every time a storm hits it just absolutely devastates people on the coasts. The smell of the wind-driven rain is so much greener and cleaner than the smell of rain that’s been soaking up all the poisonous shit that gathers over the cities and interstates, and it cools everything down in a way that feels more like fall to me than any other time of year. I grew up in a house without air conditioning, so hurricanes were one of the few times it was like… tolerable to be awake in the daytime. And a huge chunk of my best memories take place during the wide stretch of time that goes from “the bands are just starting to hit us” and “it’s already mostly gone.” I used to be terrified of hurricanes in a body horror way – I was a bit young to have done the reading I did about hurricanes that sent hay through oak trees and sandblasted the living flesh off human bones – but mostly I feel like they’re just this sort of… crotchety older aunt who comes here sometimes. Makes a mess when she visits but generally lovable. I can’t imagine how terrifying it would be to have to face a hurricane on the water, or on the coast itself.

Well, that’s enough waxing poetic or whatever… things are pretty much normal in my neck of the woods now, and school is starting back up tomorrow. I have two exams, a paper, and five assignments due this week – the exams are both set for Thursday – so I’d better tuck myself into my little bed.

  • I last drank: mug of swiss miss. tis the season!
  • I last ate: some of those Mother’s Frosted Animal Crackers with the wee rainbow sprinkles
  • I am reading: Koshersoul by Michael W Twitty!
  • I last watched: Reservation Dos season 2 finale! got me WEEPING let me tell you!!!!!
  • I haven’t played any games lately…
  • I am currently listening to: Old Gods of Appalachia!

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